Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Frances started Preschool

Frances started school this month. She goes two mornings per week and loves every minute. But, since school started after Christmas break, she's only gone two days. The poor girl can't get a break. She caught a bad cold the first week of January, that developed into an ear infection, and now she is sick again with the stomach bug! Hopefully, this will all pass soon and she will be on her feet again! 
One of her many paintings.

Walking out from her first day! 

Friday, January 9, 2015


Drove back to Cali for Christmas again this year. It was a rainy trip down -  the most rain I've seen in California in YEARS! It sucked for us, but I know the rain is needed. It was a quicker trip then normal as well, I had to get back home early so I could attend a Pampered Chef retreat. So, we didn't get to see our usual crowd of friends, but it was a nice trip and the kids had lots of fun playing with their cousins, going to the park, and eating lots of cookies!   
Santa (aka Uncle Jeff) and Frances

Christmas Eve presents

Michelle brought all the fun props for a photo booth!

We had a lot of fun with it.


Me and my Grandma

Frances and Frances

Gabby and the big 9!

Isabella enjoying her new iPhone


Isabella takes the best pictures!

Making cookies with Grandma

Getting ready for the reading of "T'was the Night Before Christmas"

Santa came!

Christmas morning!

The kids with Great Grandma Rose

Merry Christmas!!
It was a great end to the year. Always nice to be home and hard to leave the family behind. Onward to  2015! It is sure to be interesting with lots of new and exciting adventures! Cheers!