Friday, October 26, 2012

Harvest Festival at Miracle Ranch

This afternoon was spent in the cold rain at Miracle Ranch, which is a wonderful place on Horseshoe Lake. The festival was a fundraiser for the Ranch - they host camps for foster kids and kids with disabilities - it really is a beautiful place, even in the rain. We spent 4 hours there! In the cold rain! We ate hot dogs and caramel apples, drank fresh apple cider, went down to the lake, painted a pumpkin, hay rides, played games, and did the usual farm stuff. I didn't take very many pictures cuz it was wet - I didn't want to take my phone out very often.   
At the petting barn - there are two tiny gray kittens hiding in the hay.

These fire logs were placed throughout, and they included stuff to make s'mores! They were the best thing, according to me.

Lucas the jockey.

Hay bale maze.

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