Friday, July 8, 2016

Summer, thus far...

This summer is moving just as fast as I thought it would. However, as I type this, the rain pours down, which somehow I'm ok with, because that means I don't need to water my garden, plus we have vacations planned to really hot places in the very near future. Having said that, just as we had a very wet winter, we are having a very wet summer. Experiences continue non the less! So, here they are, in as much as I could upload. 
Frances in the Parent's Day Program. Of course, this day, when we're all trapped in a little room, it was extremely hot!

Lucas was a Sedimentary Rock in the play - best rock there was.

His Science Fair Project display. We are very proud of him, he worked hard on everything.

Lucas and Ms. Edith after the Piano recital.

Lucas and his teacher Mrs. Geiss at the end of the year picnic.

Frances started piano! She's so excited!

Our first harvest

The summer library programs are in full swing. Lucas is currently working on earning a tee-shirt for 100 hours of summer reading.

Finding a garter snake while at a friend's Bar-B-Que.

Frances did not want to put him down!

Family day at Camp Seymour 

Having fun at St. Vincent de Paul's thrift shop

Happy Father's Day Dad!!! You know I love you dearly.

Randy got a grill, and a new shit too!

Enjoying the sun on Father's Day

Camping this last weekend at Salt Creek Recreation Area.

Exploring the tide pools at Salt Creek.

Spending the day at the Miller's Lake Cabin for the 4th of July.

Randy, Doug, and Scott went diving to see what was in the lake - not much - but they sure had fun.

Back at home setting off fireworks finishing off the long weekend. 
2016 is half over! But, I know we are going to make the most of the second half. We're checking off lots of things on our summer bucket list - and we're looking forward to upcoming trips. Hopefully, the sun will return soon. But, until then, enjoy the moment and Happy July!

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